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Dienstag, 27. April 2010

ACE, Pegasus, Leichtes Infantriegeschütz, 1:72

Yesterday I´ve continued the work at the „leichtes Infantriegeschütz“ from ACE (the right gun on the second picture). After the primary coat I´ve started the paint with Revell Aqua Color (Gun grey). I also continued with the Crews for the guns, both from the Pegasus-Set. The figures on the left will get a camouflage scheme; the right ones get a classic “Wehrmachtsuniform”. Still much to do but I hope to finish all this week.

Ich habe gestern am leichten Infantriegeschütz von ACE (rechts im 2. Bild) weitergearbeitet. Nach der Grundierung habe ich mit der eigentlichen Lackierung begonnen (Geschützgrau von Revell). Auch habe ich mit den Pegasus-Geschützbedienungen weitergemacht. Die Figuren links erhalten eine Tarnlackierung, die Rechten eine „klassische“ Wehrmachtsuniform. Es bleibt noch viel zu tun, aber ich hoffe, diese Woche fertig zu werden.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Nice painting. Do you game with any of your stuff?

  2. Thank you, Al. Unfortunately I´m not a "wargamer" at the moment. I really like strategy games and I enjoy reading wargaming blogs, especially the reports of the battles. And perhaps I get the opportunity to start a "wargamer career" when I find some fellows nearby to play with. At the moment I enjoy modelling and painting my figures. A new "old" hobby I stopped at the age of 15 and started again 2 1/2 years ago. If you`ve got any sources about wargaming rules for beginners (WW II) I would be grateful for your information.

  3. Well it is good to see you back in the hobby, you have some nice stuff. I don't really have any rules for beginners, but will ask Paul over at Plastic Warriors if he can help.

  4. Thank you for your response, Al. And if anyone could help me with the "basics" in wargaming, links, literature, tips etc. I would be grateful for any information. (Please in english or german, my language skills are limited!)
