Ich habe ein paar Pegasus-Figuren (Waffen XX Set 1) fertig bekommen. Nachdem ich mir die Bilder angeschaut habe fehlt hier offensichtlich noch eine Schicht Mattlack. Just finished some Figures from Pegasus (Waffen XX Set 1). Looking on the pictures I think they need another layer of matt varnish.
Thank you for your friendly comments. I like these Pegasus-Figures. Both Sets have nice poses. But in my opinion the plastic of set 1 is a little bit too soft. Another point is that the figures of set one are a little bit larger. But nevertehless these are great sets, as most of the pegasus offers.
Very nice, I have always liked these figures. Nice use of the Matchbox bakery backdrop as well.
AntwortenLöschenI agree, very nice. I have this set but not the second one.
AntwortenLöschenThank you for your friendly comments. I like these Pegasus-Figures. Both Sets have nice poses. But in my opinion the plastic of set 1 is a little bit too soft. Another point is that the figures of set one are a little bit larger. But nevertehless these are great sets, as most of the pegasus offers.