Esci Valentine 1:72
Matchbox Stuart 1:76
Airfix Bren Gun Carrier 1:76
in the background Revell/Matchbox Leyland Retriver (Monty`s Caravan) 1:76
I will try to convert the Retriver to a "normal" Truck. Thats the reason why he is unfinished for a year or so. I`ve got no idea how to go on.
Heute Teil 2 meiner unvollendeten....Britische Fahrzeuge.
Von links:
Esci Valentine 1:72
Matchbox Stuart 1:76
Airfix Bren Gun Carrier 1:76
im Hintergrund Revell/Matchbox Leyland Retriver (Monty`s Caravan) 1:76
Letzteren will ich zu einem "normalen" LKW umbauen, weiß aber noch nicht wie. Deshalb steht der auch so schon seit einem Jahr im Keller rum.
mein heir
AntwortenLöschenthe Leyland retriever conversion was featured in Military Modelling magazine some years ago and a bloke had virtually built ALL variants in 1.76th scale
i have a the magazines somewhere at home if you need help
I think I have this in a magazine somewhere as well, Military Modelling 1976/77 I think, If David has no luck, flick me a comment and I will action it when I return next month.
AntwortenLöschenThank you guys. It would be great if you could send me a scanned version per mail (mork6969[at] or a link with further information.
AntwortenLöschenAnd Paul, have a nice trip!