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Freitag, 4. Juni 2010

Pegasus, Waffen XX, 1:72

On wednesday I started basing my heavy infantry unit for the behind omaha game. It will consist mostly out of figures from the Pegasus Waffen XX Set 1 an 2. I was not sure if the figures will stand on the coin because they`ve got no base on their own. I used wood filler and stuck them in. It seems to work, the figures were fixed after drying. Meanwhile I finished the whole unit, pictures will follow.

Am Mittwoch habe ich die ertsen Figuren meiner schweren Infantrieeinheit auf die Bases gebracht. Sie besteht hauptsächlich aus Pefsausfiguren (Waffen XX set 1 und 2)Ich war nicht sicher, ob das so hält, da die Pegasusfiguren z.T. keine eigenen Bases haben. Ich habe sie in Holzspachtelmasse gesteckt und es scheint zu funktionieren. Da alles hält habe ich gestern die restlichen Figuren auf die Bases geklebt. Bilder folgen, wenn der Holtspachtel getrocknet ist.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Again great work and choice on figures. Paintwork is excellent.

  2. I agree with Paul

    I do like these figures, but I just don't see them in my local shops :(

  3. Thank you! It is not easy to get these figures in our local shops as well. I won several set on ebay during the last year.
