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Freitag, 22. Oktober 2010

Panzersoldaten, Preiser, 1:72, Noch mehr davon...

Here you can see the rest of this weeks work. A few more tank crew members. Not finished but there is not much to do.

This picture is inspired by the comment Paul made yesterday.These two look like a old married couple with a marital quarrel. Perhabs one of them has forgot to refuel the tank or to box the cigarretes? We will never know ;-)

Hier der Rest meiner dieswöchigen Arbeit. Noch nicht ganz fertig, aber viel ist nicht mehr zu tun. Das letzte Bild wurde vom gestrigen Kommentar von Paul inspiriert. Die beiden sehen aus wie ein altes Ehepaar nach einem Ehekrach. Vielleicht hat einer vergessen zu tanken oder die Zigaretten einzupacken? Wir werden es nie erfahren....;-)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Great work mate!
    Nice selection of figures!!

  2. Maybe they haven´t had a quarrel at all. Maybe one of the other crew members has lost the keys and has gone off to get them, but has been gone a while...obviously the other two have run out of things to say and are now annoyed that they aren´t in the pub with the other:-)
    Great site..lot´s of great stuff to look at!

  3. First of all sorry for the late response. Second, a welcome to Paul B. and thank you for joining this site and your comment! And third: Thank you for your comments concerning these tank commanders!
