I continued my work on the JS-2. I used "Revell Plasto" to fill the gaps between the turret and the gun and edged it with sand paper. I think it is o.k. Then I painted the rest of the tank, the tracks and road wheels. At the end I started with a wash.
The results so far:
The results so far:
No, it doesn't Andreas!!!!
AntwortenLöschenYou should be a surgeon!!The conversion is very good!!
Nice painting also!
Thanks, Thanos and call me Dr.Mork ;-)
AntwortenLöschenGreat deal with the Putty. I f*ck it up every time. It just doesn't work with me ;)
AntwortenLöschenTwo hints(Is it still WIP?):
*The tracks look to shiny (even for the russian advance ;) )
*Work with Oil-Paints and their proper diluent for oil-marks :)
Greetings Mojo
@ Mojo: It is W.I.P. The tracks are drybrushed in an darke fleshtone and got a wash. But you can`t see it on these pictures. I´ve done it after making the pictures. Now the tank will be coated with "Glänzer" and after that the decals will follow. Yes, this kit has decals :-)Then a wash with diluted oil colours and a drybrush...
AntwortenLöschenIt looks great to me, very nice work.
AntwortenLöschenLooks great so far!
AntwortenLöschenNice job Dr Mork. Well done.
AntwortenLöschenRegards Paul
Nice job on that Mork, these may be simple kits but they look great if you put some time into them, which you have, nice job indeed
AntwortenLöschenThanks again.
AntwortenLöschen@Rich: This kit had decals with it! I forgot to mention!