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Mittwoch, 6. April 2011

Panther G, Armourfast, 1:72, Update!

After painting a lot of figures it was the time to go on with this tank. The state of affairs before yesterday you will find here:

I coated the Panther with "Fußbodenreiniger" I think "Future" is the well known, simillar product. Then the decals were applicated. I also drilled a hole in the barrel. Then I started my attempt of a "Hinterhalttarnung". Because I still have no airbrush, all steps were done with brush. The next step will be a wash with dilluted oil colours to "break" the color edges. Please forgive me, but I don´t know how to translate that in English. I hope you know what I mean. The Commander is from Preiser!

8 Kommentare:

  1. Nice work especially with the decals.

  2. Looks really great. I love the look of the "Hinterhalttarnung".

    Keep the great work up!

  3. Looking very good Dr. Mork!!!
    I agree with our Irish friend above: the decals have been applied very nicely!!!

  4. Good job all round!

    Well done.

  5. Thanks a lot! I used a Decal-Softener. In combination with the "Glänzer" it gives a smooth surface and the decals are easy to applicate.

  6. Very nice painting!!!
    I didn´t know it was called "Hinterhalttarnung" learn something every day :-D

  7. Thank you, you two :-) Yes, you live and learn :-)
