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Donnerstag, 11. November 2010

Krupp Protze, Revell, 1:76

Today you will see this "Protze" from Revell in 1:76. It was the first (and until today the last) kit my son build when he was 5. I was impressed how he done it (with a little help). I started painting it for my first B.O. game, because I needed a truck urgently. Now it ist finished. It was difficult to paint the driver properly because it was glued in the cabin.

Heute mal eine Krupp Protze von Revell. Das war das erste Modell, (und bis heute auch das letzte) das mein Sohn gebaut hat, als er 5 war (Mit ein klein wenig Unterstützung). Ich war beeindruckt, wie er das gemacht hat. Ich habe es dann lackiert, weil ich für mein erstes B.O. Spiel dringend einen LKW brauchte. Den fahrer vernünftig hinzubekommen war nicht so leicht, weil der schon angeklebt war.

4 Kommentare:

  1. You gave your light to your son as well!!!
    The son is modelling and you are painting!You are making a good duo! :-)

  2. By jingo's it must run in the family. Well done both of you.

    I love this truck and Matchbox did a great job on the tooling for this in the 1970's...and Revell did a great job in re releasing.

  3. Your son built this hwne he was 5!! You should keep him at it....nice one

  4. My son was very proud when I told him about your comments. Thank you, very kind of you. Perhabs he makes another one, I´ve got a Sd.Kfz. 251 from Airfix for him. But at the Moment he is focused on "Star Wars".
