I was quite busy last night by painting more G.I.`s for a customer. But I also found the time to wash this Cromwell. Then I drybrushed the kit with the basic colour (Vallejo "Russian Uniform"). The wash was still wet when I took these pictures. A last drybrush with light grey will follow. By the way, the decals are from Peddinghaus.
Excellent. Cromwell it's my favourite British tank. You painted this one very well!
AntwortenLöschenGood show Mork. The dry brushing will complete it. Well done.
AntwortenLöschenAs i told you before at our Forum: Nice Work Mork! But don´t brush the Cromwell with Grey! Grey works wonderfull with german Vehicles but i prefer to highlight british Tanks with a superfine Drybrush of Vallejos "Middlestone". Look at my Blog to check the light Colourtone. looks like "used" green.
AntwortenLöschenThank you all!
AntwortenLöschen@Wiking: Thanks, I´ve missed the hint with "middlestone". I will try it, of course, as the kits you show me last week were outstanding.