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Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2010

D.A.K., Italeri, 1:72

Because it is f****** coldoutside and more snow than in the last 10 years I dreamed of warm places. Africa, Yeah.....then my D.A.K. Minis spring to my mind. So I started painting one of them. He needs a finishing drybrush and on this picture he is still wet from the "wash".

4 Kommentare:

  1. No need to go to Africa Mork, down here in the colonies it's in the late 20's.

    Nice figure as well.

  2. I am painting mine too.

    Noticed on the background the old Matchbox diorama!


  3. Thanks a lot. Using the Old Matchbox Modell shows that the Italri Figures a quite huge (or large? - O.K. Monday Morning...)
