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Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

Deutsche Infanterie, Matchbox, 1:76, Finish

Puhh, what a day. As promised you find here some pictures of the finished Germans. They got a last drybrush and the officer was washed and drybrushed, too. A layer of matt varnish will complete these Minis. O.k. one down, what will be next?

7 Kommentare:

  1. Boy you are quick!!!
    Well done Andreas!!!

  2. Versuch mal anstelle Deiner bisherigen Helmfarbe, "German Dark Green" oder "German Grey" zu verwenden. Alternativ kannst Du für late War Deutsche noch "Middlestone" für ein paar Helme nehmen. Ach ja.... und die Patronentaschen in "Flat Brown"!!! Sonst schöne Minis!

  3. Danke für den Tip, probiere ich mal aus.

  4. Classic set, and you've painted them well, particularly like the weapons

  5. Incredible speed with very nice painting! I love these classical minis! Well done mate :)

  6. Great work. Way to quick for me, I would be at the primer stage by now!

  7. Thank you, my friends. I use qick drying colours, thats why ;-)
