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Mittwoch, 22. September 2010

Caesar, Valiant, Deutsche Infantrie, 1:72

The figures are nearly finished now. Here you see the rest of the Valiants as well as the figures from Caesar. In the second row the figure on the right is an old one made by Esci.

Die Figuren sind fast fertig. Hier ist auch der Rest der Valiants. In der zweiten Reihe ganz rechts ist auch eine alte Esci-Figur.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Great painting my friend!
    I hope these ones are luckier, and you can win next game against the Allies in your fabulous terrain!!


  2. Good show, these will show those tommies!

  3. The Valiant figures look like giants!

    A tip: the old Esci "Machine Gun on a box" fits perfectly in the Esci (now Italeri) hanomag if you cut away the box.

  4. Thanks to your replies.The Valiants are too large for 1:72. But nevertheless nice figures and they fit to the rest of the Valiant Range. The Tip with the machine gunner is briliant. i will try it as soon as possible. Fortunately I have several of these figures in my stock. Thank you, Laffe!
